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🔮 Birth Chart Readings! (TYPED or PRE-RECORDED VIDEO)

$15.00 - $20.00


Your Birth chart is a snapshot of planets positions during the exact moment of birth. Each planet, the sun, & the moon affects specific areas of life, our personality, drive, & emotions, respectively. Important events like meeting a spouse, having children, and even discovering fame, best career paths, fave hobies to combat stress, may also be predicted.

It's helpful to know what career path is best for your happiness & financial growth; it's helpful to know if you are putting your energy into the right relationship. Getting a birth chart reading is a CHEAT CODE! 🔮

If you want to explore where your true potential, motivation, & desires are, consider booking a birth chart reading:

1. 🤎RoadOpener:
Karmic Release + Success (Attract more opportunities)
⭐ How to open up roadblocks in your life for abundance to finally flow in!

2. 🤎MagicalMe:
⭐Your best manifesting technique!
⭐ What can you manifest more easily?

3. 🤎 MoneyMe:
Best Hobbies, Career + Money Outlook
⭐ Am I destined to make a lot of money or be rich?
⭐ What career path are you naturally best at?
⭐ What energy to embody to make money?
⭐ What factors are affecting my money flow?
⭐ What type of work will bring in the most money for me?

4. 🤎 LoveJones:
How to Love & Be Loved (about your love life)
⭐ What traits will my longterm partner have?
⭐ Will I have any children?
⭐ What is my partner's & I, love language for a healthy relationship?
⭐ What can I do to attract the best partner for me?


💥After payment, your reading is not confirmed until ACCEPTED by me. You will receive an email to send me info like your birth time, date, year, and full name.
After settled, it is then ACCEPTED.

💥All BIRTH CHART readings take up to 7 days to receive back. Whichever option you have chosen: Typed Report OR Pre-Recorded Video, it will be sent via email.

💥They are not done live, like the tarot readings.

💥 No refunds after your reading is considered ACCEPTED.

You are the star of your own show. Please do not make major life decisions from any reading you get from me. I am not responsible for any actions you take regarding any readings you get from me.

  • Image of 🔮 Birth Chart Readings! (TYPED or PRE-RECORDED VIDEO)